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About Our Data
We are committed to providing you with the freshest data. All of our data is compiled from multiple sources to ensure quality and accuracy. We are teamed up with multiple sources that allow us to keep our data as current and up-to-date as possible. Over 1000 Call center agents are using our data and reporting accuracy daily.

Business Data

Business Data

Our master business database leads our competitor’s business databases by over 5 million records. All data is gathered from multiple sources and telephone verified to ensure accuracy. From Accountants to Zoos, you will find every business in this database- Small, Medium, and Large. Each Month, an average of one million records will change in this database.

Business Data Sources
  • Yellow and White Page Business Listings
  • County and Secretary of State Data
  • Business Publications, Magazines, and Newspapers
  • Annual Business Reports and SEC Filings
  • Sales Tax, Business Registration and Articles of Incorporation
  • Postal Service NCOA (National Change of Address) Database

Over 20 Million Phone calls are made annually to Verify information.

Business Data Select Options
  • LOCATION: State/Province, Area Code, County, Metro Area, City, and Zip Code.
  • BUSINESS TYPE: SIC Code, Industry, Product/Service sold, and Profession.
  • SIZE: Annual Sales Volume, and Number of Employees.
  • CONTACT METHOD: Phone Number, Fax Number, Website, and Presence of Email.
  • CONTACT TYPE: Key Decision Makers, Gender, Owner/Manager and CEO’s.

You can Search our directories by any combination of the above choices.

Consumer & Residential Data

Consumer and Residential Data

Our consumer database leads our competitor’s by over 52 million records. We obtain and compile data from multiple sources to populate our database of over 275 Million consumers and over 90 Million Households. Our Consumer databases are frequently ran through NCOA and cross checked with new movers lists to ensure accuracy.

Consumer Data Sources
  • National White Page directory listings
  • County/State Real Estate Information- Deeds and Tax Assessments
  • Magazine Subscriptions and Mail Order Statistics
  • Survey Responders, Census Data and Online Form Completion
  • Postal Service NCOA (National Change of Address) Database
  • Charitable donation records
Consumer Data Select Options
  • LOCATION: State/Province, Area Code, County, Metro Area, City, and Zip Code.
  • HOUSEHOLD: Age, Gender, Presence of Children, Seniors, and Ethnicity.
  • HOUSING: Ownership (rent/own), Dwelling type, Mortgage Data, Home Value.
  • CONTACT METHOD: Phone Number, Cell Phone Number and Presence of Email.
  • PERSONAL INFO: Income, Mail Order products, Pet Owner, Stocks/Bonds, etc..

Our Data is continuously being updated on a weekly basis. Databases of this magnitude are never perfect. It is not uncommon to have 85-95% accuracy on these lists. Consumer Data changes much more frequently than Business data. It Is always a good Idea to NCOA a list every 3-6 Months when marketing via Direct mail.

Contact one of our Marketing specialists to go over your campaign today!